The ST. FLORIAN HOLY NAME SOCIETY is having a COOKOUT on Saturday, June 1, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the St. Florian Gym. Tickets go on sale beginning April 20, 2024 and may be purchased after each mass at Christ Our Light Parish (St. Florian) or the Rectory during normal office hours. The price is $10.00/ticket and 130 tickets will be sold. You must have a ticket to enter. Price includes one free entry into a raffle drawing for $100 and the following menu items:
With all the WONDERFUL bakers at our Parish, we are asking for donations of baked goods. You can bring your baked goods to the gym beginning at 1:00 pm, Saturday, June 1st. It is time to get together and FRATERNIZE as a Parish. Comida al aire libre de la Sociedad del Santo Nombre La SOCIEDAD DEL SANTO NOMBRE DE SAN FLORIÁN tendrá una COMIDA AL AIRE LIBRE el Sábado 1 de Junio de 2024, de 5:00 p.m. a 7:00 p.m. en el gimnasio de San Florián. Los boletos saldrán a la venta a partir del 20 de Abril de 2024 y se pueden comprar después de cada misa en la Parroquia de Cristo Nuestra Luz (St. Florian) o en la Rectoría durante el horario normal de oficina. El precio es de $10.00/boleto y se venderán 130 boletos. Debes tener un boleto para ingresar. El precio incluye una entrada gratis a un sorteo de rifa por $100 y los siguientes elementos del menú:
Con todos los panaderos MARAVILLOSOS de nuestra parroquia, estamos pidiendo donaciones de productos horneados. Puede traer sus productos horneados al gimnasio a partir de la 1:00 p.m., el sábado 1 de Junio. Es hora de reunirnos y FRATERNIZAR como Parroquia.
August 28, 2023
To the Men of the Parish: The St. Florian Holy Name Society is in search of active, Catholic Men, eighteen years of age or older to join and serve in Jesus’ Name. We are a group of men that do service for the church and community while devoted to the Most Holy Name of Jesus. We meet once per month, generally on the second Friday in The Gymnasium at 7:00 pm. Our first meeting will be scheduled on September 15, 2023. The dues are $5.00 per year, which has not changed for the last 20 years. New, fresh ideas are always welcomed to our fraternal order. The men of the Holy Name Society are involved with fund raisers every year; for example, a monthly raffle which would begin in January, and, a Parish Cook Out in June, 2024. With the funds we raise, we have helped out St. Florian Parish (now Christ Our Light), The St. Vincent de Paul Society, and other church – community functions. I request that you give us a try, you have nothing to lose. It is an enjoyable way of fraternizing, serving God, your church and neighbors. Sincerely yours, Vince Maccagnano – President, St. Florian Holy Name Society.
The Fall CCD class season has arrived and the first class will be held on October 9th from 10:00 to 11:20am (between the 9:00 and 11:30 am Sunday Masses). Classes will continue until May 14th of 2023. The registration period is now Officially Closed and no more students will be accepted into the program. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the rectory office at (773) 646-4877 during normal office hours or use the contact form on our contact page and someone from the rectory will get back to you.