Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 2025
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos 2025
The program is for those 17+ who have never been baptized or have been baptized but have not received the fullness of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confession-Eucharist, Confirmation).
Those who are currently in “IRREGULAR NON-SACRAMENTAL” marriages must have this remedied prior to the beginning of RCIA preparation.
El programa es para aquellos 17+ que nunca han sido bautizados o han sido bautizados pero no han recibido la plenitud de la Iniciación Cristiana (Bautismo, Confesión - Eucaristía , Confirmación )
Aquellos que actualmente están en matrimonios “NO SACRAMENTALES IRREGULARES” deben tener este remedio antes del comienzo de la preparación de RICA.
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Hosting a Party?Why rent a hall, when you can rent the Christ Our Light Gym? Seating up to 400 people, its perfect for Weddings and Quinceañeras. For more information, contact the rectory at (773) 646-4877.
Located in the Hegewisch Community of Chicago
13145 S. Houston Avenue
Chicago, IL 60633
Chicago, IL 60633